Why build our own Fibre Network?
There is no faster broadband than full Fibre to the Home (FTTH). The National Broadband Plan does not include our area of Fiddown/Piltown as we are deemed to have sufficient internet speeds. Unless we build it ourselves Piltown & Fiddown will possibly never have fibre to the home and be left behind the rest of the world.
This is not just about perfect streaming on a 4K TV – having 1Gb/s speed in the area will future-proof the community and give an amazing opportunity to existing businesses, new start-ups and college graduates.
This will make Piltown a very attractive place to live. With advancements in home-living and SMART technology it means that senior citizens can live in their own homes for longer while staying in contact with friends and family. It will also be a fantastic opportunity for Piltown’s young adults and graduates to remain in or return to the area. It’s a game-changer all around.
How much will it cost me?
As little as possible. Broadband for our Community is a not-for-profit company limted by guarantee and it is our mission to deliver broadband that is faster and cheaper on every level.
Monthly Fee: Our aim is to charge no more than €39.99/month for the first 2 years. Once the project has been paid for the price will go down for everyone. This does not happen with other providers who tend to increase their prices after 12 months.
Installation: Similar to any other provider, residents will have to pay upfront to allow connection to their home or business. The cost per house will be greatly subsidised by B4OC with residents expecting to pay no more than €100.
Where will the cable run?
The fibre cable will run in a loop around Piltown & Fiddown. This will be a mix of underground ducting and overground via installing our own telecom poles on private lands. Most accessing will be from fields at the rear for houses and developments. For Main street and other terraced dwellings the cable will run along facsias. No satellites or antennas necessary – just a fibre-optic cable.
How do I get connected?
If you are living in Fiddown /Piltown ,Co. Kilkenny and you haven’t already been in touch then just send us your Eircode and email address here and we’ll add you to our mailout list. We will be back in touch about how to subscribe when we are rolling out FTTH in your area.
What about my landline?
Need a landline? No problem. You can get an (051) number just like a regular landline with no line rental fees. Our landline service is handled by HomePhone . Give them a call and they’ll do the rest +353212439210.
What if I’m already in a contract with another provider?
No problem. Most contracts run out after 12 months without any obligation to renew. If you
are bound to a contract it is our advice to get the fibre connection to your property. You can
start your community broadband subscription when your existing contract runs out